Has support been created for the reopening phase of the economy?

Yes, in the context of micro-enterprises.

For the recovery phase of the economy, a system was set up to support the adaptation of economic activity, through a simplified application and fulfilling the respective conditions of access, so that the reopening of business and the economy is done safely, returning confidence to users.

At issue are support between 500 and 5,000 euros, supported by 80 of the expenditure in the lost fund, and which are intended for the acquisition of protective material, sanitization of spaces, placement of signage. These expenses may be retroactive on March 18, the date of the declaration of the first State of Emergency, and also include the creation of home delivery services or the facilitation of teleworking mechanisms.

Support micro-enterprises in the effort to adapt and invest in their establishments, adjusting the methods of work organization and relationship with customers and suppliers, to the new conditions context of the COVID 19 pandemic, ensuring compliance with established standards and recommendations of competent authorities.

Microenterprises (less than 10 workers) from all sectors of activity, including Trade and Services, Accommodation and Catering, Industry and Transport.

Applications for this support are expected to open on 11 May.

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