Yes, but it must be validated with the Insurer and fulfilled the information duties.
Moneris Seguros shares some useful information:
- COVID-19 infections are not covered because they are a disease and not an accident. It would hardly fall within the scope of occupational diseases, because it does not result from the continued performance of the worker’s usual function;
- Accident in telework is the one resulting from the accomplishment of tasks related to his work. It will not apply if it has occurred in the context of the practice of acts of personal life, such as: bathing or cooking;
- Accident in telework is the habitual residence that has been communicated to the employer, excluding accidents outside it;
- Accident in telework is the one that occurs during working hours. Where possible, there shall be evidence to provide a claim investigation;
- It is recommended that there are written agreements between employers and their workers on the provision of work on a teleworking basis. If this does not exist, it is essential that employers have authorisation records for teleworking cases;
- It is recommended that companies proactively communicate to insurers that, as a result of their Contingency Plans, they are implementing this alternative form of work provision, indicating the universe of employees covered and, ideally, the terms in which this will occur.