• Rescheduling of bank loans
The rescheduling of bank loans with extension of maturities, in which they are in the final phase of agreement between the State and financial institutions in coordination with Banco de Portugal.
• Elimination of minimum fees charged to merchants in POS payments
The major banks have subscribed to the elimination of the minimum fees charged to traders on POS payments. Thus, all merchants can start accepting payments by cards and electronic means without the need to set any minimum value.
• Increased the ceiling for contactless card operations
The maximum limit for contactless card transactions should be 30€, and this measure is of particular importance to minimize contact with POS.
• Suspension of commissions on payment transactions
The collection of the fixed component of any commission, by card payment transaction made at automatic payment terminals, which is due by the beneficiaries of such payments to payment service providers, shall be suspended by 30 June 2010. 2020.
Credit Moratorium Decree-Law No. 10-J/2020, of March 26, establishes exceptional measures to protect the claims of families, companies, private institutions of social solidarity and other entities of the social economy, as well as a special regime of personal guarantees of the State, in the context of the pandemic of covid disease19.
• Impediment to commission collection
The collection of fees due for the use and performance of payment transactions through the digital platforms of payment service providers, including homebanking or applications with a card-based payment instrument, shall be suspended for persons who are in a situation of prophylactic or sick isolation or who provide assistance to children or grandchildren, or who have been placed in a reduction of normal working time or suspension of employment contract , due to a business crisis, in a situation of unemployment registered with the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training, I.P., as well as for persons who are eligible for extraordinary support for the reduction of the economic activity of self-employed workers, or are workers of entities whose establishment or activity has been the subject of closure determined during the state of emergency period.
• Redemption of Retirement Savings Plan
As long as the state of emergency is in force, the value of retirement savings plans (PPR) may be reimbursed, up to the monthly limit of the social support indexant, by the participants of those plans and provided that one of the members of their household is in a situation of prophylactic or disease isolation or provides assistance to children or grandchildren, or that he has been placed in a reduction of the normal working time or suspended from the employment contract, due to a business crisis, in a situation of unemployment registered with the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training, I.P., and is eligible for extraordinary support for the reduction of the economic activity of an employed worker, i.e. a worker of entities whose establishment or activity has been the subject of closure determined during the state of emergency period , pursuant to Article 9 of Decree No 2-B/2020 of 2 April.
The amount of the ppr refunded must correspond to the value of the unit of participation at the date of the refund application.