Exceptional scheme for justified absences:
- The Government has provided, first of all, that absences from work motivated by undecommissionable assistance to a child or other dependent under the age of 12, or, regardless of age, with disability or chronic illness, resulting from suspension of school activities would be considered justified and exceptional financial support would be allocated;
- More recently, the concept of justified absences has now included periods of suspension of school activities, but exceptional financial support will not be allocated to compensate for the loss of remuneration;
- Since the last day 27 March that will be considered justified absences, those motivated by assistance to spouse or person living in a de facto union or common economy with the worker, relative or related in the ascending straight line that is in charge of the worker and that frequents social equipment whose activity is suspended by determination of the health authority;
- Absences, where foreseeable, shall be communicated and justified to the employer at least five days in advance, or when unforeseeable, as soon as possible. No maximum absence limit is provided.