The issue of transfer pricing is one of the issues on the agenda when we refer to the tax content of the organisations.
In addition to having seen its scope extended, now applies to all transactions carried out between a taxable person and any other entity with which it is in a special relationship situation, the tax administration itself is increasingly attentive to this theme and its particularities.
A Lei é clara: todas as organizações que faturam mais de 3 milhões de euros são obrigadas a organizar um Dossier Fiscal de Preços de Transferência.
Mas será esta condição tão linear?
O que preciso saber?
Que informação preciso recolher?
Haverá ainda questões e dúvidas por responder nas empresas?
It was on this premise that Moneris developed a publication with the most frequently asked questions and answers about transfer pricing,with the aim of assisting in its understanding, in completing the HEI and in the organization of the Transfer Pricing Tax Dossier (DFPT).
If your company establishes with other related entities some type of transaction, namely cost sharing or services, purchases or sale of goods and loans, it is important to rely on a specialized team to respond to this Obligation.
How can Moneris help?
The organization of dfpt represents an opportunity for greater fiscal and financial efficiency of companies, also allowing to reverse the burden of proof in tax inspection, which requires the TA special duties of reasoning.
Para uma otimização atempada e cuidadosa, apoie-se na nossa experiente equipa, que acompanha projetos nacionais e internacionais de Preços de Transferência, dispondo ainda da rede internacional de profissionais da MSI Global Alliance.
Dúvidas? Temos uma equipa de corporate finance pronta para o ajudar.