Focus on digital and customer. It is Moneris’ priorities for 2020, with a clear focus on technologies and investment of the relationship with the client. On the sidelines of Portugal Exportador, which took place last week, Jornal Económico interviewed Moneris CEO Rui Pedro Almeida about priorities for 2020.
In the last three years Moneris has observed organic and sustained growth, based on a growing multidisciplinarity and consequent diversification of services and solutions that it presents to the market.
Today Moneris clearly positions itself as a broad-spectrum consultant, in which counseling and consulting, in different areas such as strategic, financial, fiscal or management, play a major role.
We can recognise that we have experienced moments of widespread economic growth on the national and European panorama, so these times have somehow dragged us into this positive development, which we have been able to take advantage of.
It is true that today our organization is more prepared to drag the market, in future times that are less growing and that, although we remain moderately optimistic, they should be guided by some economic cooling.
Our priorities for 2020 will, as such, be to consolidate our focus on a digital transformation agenda, which we have continued in recent years, and to focus our professionals on consulting activities and on value services and solutions customer counseling is the predominant factor.
As far as the first axis relates, it is certain that technology is driving change in the profession.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics are enabling increasing commodification of compliance, declarative and repetitive or routine services.
In this regard, Moneris has pursued a digital transformation agenda that allows it to be at the forefront of automation solutions that allow it to optimize processes and, as such, ensure greater productivity and timely service to the Client.
Innovation and technology are at the heart of our corporate strategy and are an essential condition for us to be able to add value to customers, who no longer value the simple component of accounting, tax or regulatory compliance.
Today what was once a distinctive factor is considered “hygienic” and something taken by acquired.
Our digital design is placed not only at the level of operational activities, but also in the way we communicate with our customers, changing their experience of service provided by Moneris.
The first priority is essential and allows the development of our second axis of operation: the focus on consulting activities.
Nowadays accountants and financial, human resources, management and other professionals in the area of advisory have to refocus their attention.
Let compliance activities be performed as much as possible by automation tools, focusing their attention and time on activities involving judgment, requiring proactivity, that allow a predictive and prescriptive posture and that support customers in their decision-making process.
Technology will not take us work, but will change it indeliblely, so the vision of full and integrated management, holistic and multidisciplinary, must be at the epicenter of the modern consultant’s ‘ethos’.
This is today the design of Moneris; this is our vision of tomorrow; this is the future we are, not anticipating, but building!
You can read the article in JE here