The indispensable role of employees in any organization is not new. It is not new that motivated people are highly productive. Just as the impact of human resources on the reputation, influence and credibility they lend to the organization is well known.
What is surprising these days is that employer branding, endomarketing and talent attraction and retention strategies have become the nerve center of companies.
A surprise, however, inevitable.
If until now, the management of a company had as priorities the financial, commercial and operational aspect, currently Human Resources (as well as Technology) are catapulted to the top of the concerns of managers.
The labor market is currently experiencing a phase of constant change and adaptation, the result of the inescapable coexistence with new technologies, an aggressive, challenging, competitive and fast business environment (a concept known by the acronym VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Ccomplexity, Ambiguity), and the predominance of millennials and Z as a workforce, with necessarily different motivations, needs and aptitudes from the generations that preceded them.
One of the major HR trends pointed out for 2020 is outsourcing for HR administrative processes, either from a perspective of using an external service provider or through the creation of shared service centers. This reorientation of HR departments will allow optimizing and guiding teams to a strategic plan, where it will be critical to take into account business processes and operationality.
Another of the major challenges for the HR area is the creation of the so-called Employer Value Proposition,that is, the benefits and differentials made available to employees, such as salary, career plan, work environment and promises of value inserted in the organizational culture. Workplace experience, flexibility, and focus on people’s well-being are key to attracting and retaining talent.
The use of technology, whether for recruitment and selection processes, or for training and coaching, or even as an extension of the employee(blended workforce)is, unsurprisingly, a trend that continues for 2020.
Then know the main guidelines on people management planned for this year:
1. HR departments: outsourcing and new skills
HR administrative and transactional tasks disappear internal departments to be transferred to outsourcing,either through an external service provider or through through shared service centres.
The HR department now has a focus on strategy and innovation, requiring greater articulation with business processes and operationality. It becomes a more leandepartment, optimized and oriented to a more strategic performance, with less generalist and more specialized professionals, with skills and expertise extended to areas such as entrepreneurship, business, analytics and strategic leadership.
2nd Employee Engagement
Committed and engaged employees will work harder, will be less anxious to leave the company and will better understand the impact that cause in others. The new generation of employees wants to feel fulfilled, have a purpose, make a significant impact.
Some of the main actions to be worked on to increase employee engagement are: plans personal development, health and well-being programmes, diversity and inclusion, as well as recognition and awards.
Performance management allows you to inform the employee about your performance, your areas of improvement, your career and goals, as well as providing you with an individual contact with your direct hierarchy. It is a moment of sharing and feedback, which encourages personal reflection, where the company has the opportunity to listen to its people and empower them to take control of their work.
3rd Workplace Experience
At a time when the UX (user experience) and CX (customer experience)are working a lot, it will be in the experience of the employee in his/her work that is the hr challenge.
Taking into account the physical, digital and cultural aspects of the the secret is to view employees as customers, to understand the expectations and needs and take into account the different segments, from those who start their first day in the company, or those who are leaving. The environment work, like our personal lives, must be digital, with low levels of friction.
In this context, it is important not to neglect the physical characteristics of the workplace, also highly valued by employees, from the most basic, such as air quality, natural light and the possibility of customizing their work space, to the most such as living rooms, gyms, standing tables, gaming,among many others.
4. Focus on well-being
Many companies concerned about the future of work focus on issues such as the disruption of new jobs, technology and automatisms, or demographic aspects. And despite all these issues important, HR leaders need to start focusing on the well-being of employees.
The real power lies in creating a culture of well-being, committing to well-being at the individual, team and organizational levels and equipsing employees with technology that promotes well-being behaviors.
5. Flexibility and remote work
Globalisation and the working characteristics of the new generations will lead to an increasingly diverse workforce. The workers of the new generation value freedom and flexibility in the hours and in the workplace, which means adopting a new way of working, where it is not always necessary to go to the office.
HR must take charge and make managers aware teams on how to manage and motivate remote teams. Remote work as a easing measure is still a great way to reduce costs, employee engagement and remain competitive.
Flexibility and remote work are also closely linked to the substantial growth of the so-called Gig Economy,a form of work based on people who have temporary jobs or do freelancework activities, paid separately, rather than working for a fixed employer. For a long time, this type of work worked in a complementary way, but it is currently becoming a global trend.
6th Blended workforce
Blended workforce,or combined workforce, is an effective trend not only for 2020, but for the coming years, to the extent that joint work between humans and robots has proved fruitful in many ways.
Not only does the employee feel more capable of response, being able to combine its capacity for reasoning with the analytical power of the machines, as your digital skills are cleared. On the other hand, profitability the company benefits from a team that produces better results together than the sum of the parts.
The way the combined workforce is targeted, developed and involved can be a huge competitive advantage for 2020.
7th Power Skills
It is a combination of soft skills, thinking skills and digital skills,i.e. personal, thought/reasoning and digital skills. Together, these skills are the expectation of employability for the coming years.
Disruption in the labour market and the constant evolution of functions within companies has led to a greater focus on these power skills,which are the basis for successful technical training within companies, for tasks and functions that will surely evolve and transform over time.
8. Recruitment using Artificial Intelligence
Although most organizations still have standardized recruitment, this is an evolving area that is becoming more digitized, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other solutions technical and technological technologies.
AI is already used in talent acquisition, increasing hiring speed and allowing recruiters to take on more strategic roles. But there are already other HR processes testing AI, such as a talent mobility management platform, or a tool used to report workplace misconduct.
9. Formação com recurso à tecnologia
A maioria das soluções de formação executiva e coaching são caras, demoradas e reservadas para os principais líderes das organizações. Em 2020, esta realidade parece estar fora de sincronia com a forma como trabalhamos e com as mudanças demográficas da força de trabalho, em que a geração Millennials e a geração Z representam agora mais de 60% dos trabalhadores globais.
Por isso, não surpreende que a formação corporativa esteja a evoluir e a tentar outras abordagens, nomeadamente no ângulo da tecnologia.
A formação com recurso a plataformas digitais continua a ganhar terreno, mas surgem novas tendências como o microlearning (transmitir pequenas doses de conhecimento que incluem pequenos vídeos), gamification (conceito que torna o processo de aprendizagem numa experiência de gaming), chatbot (assistente virtual que comunica e interage através de mensagens de texto automáticas), video learning (vídeos de curta duração), realidade virtual e até formação on-demand (conteúdo acessível quando e onde o colaborador pretender).
Procura-se com os novos formatos formativos uma maior conveniência, acessibilidade e impacto para os colaboradores.
10. Métricas, análises e dados
Os profissionais de RH precisam estar preparados para usar mais dados e análises. As métricas obtidas a partir das taxas de rotatividade ou dos resultados da contratação são ainda muito úteis; no entanto, são necessários mais dados para uma visão holística dos RH, como o rastreamento de produtividade, o impacto de programas ou iniciativas internas, ou os mecanismos de rastreamento para escolher o melhor candidato de um grande grupo.
Os profissionais de RH precisam trabalhar com mais data analysis e precisam ter as competências necessárias para analisar, prever e trabalhar com dados complementares e ferramentas analíticas.
Os dados podem ser usados para melhorar a rotatividade de funcionários, aumentar o envolvimento e a satisfação dos colaboradores e atrair e reter os melhores talentos.
Vânia Soares
Business Developer