On September 8, the new book of Iscte Executive Education was launched, “The book “71 voices for competitiveness: It is mandatory to grow”.
This book presents the visions of 71 personalities from management, economics, entrepreneurship, politics and the academic world, united by competitiveness and growth.
Rui Almeida, CEO and Managing Partner of Moneris, in a relexão challenge made Iscte Executive Education, on how to design the path of a more competitive country, joins a set of personalities, from managers to economists, entrepreneurs to teachers, from entrepreneurs to mayors, in a list of contributions where the names of António Nogueira Leite are found, Inês de Medeiros, Carlos Carreiras, Dalila Pinto de Almeida, Ana Rita Bessa, Isabel Damasceno, Isaltino Morais, Daniel Bessa, José Avillez, Luís Mira Amaral, Miguel Albuquerque or Teresa Abecasis, among many others.
“71 Voices for Competitiveness: It is Mandatory to Grow” is the third volume of an editorial partnership between ISCTE-EE and LeYa / Oficina do Livro, which brings together critical mass from all quarters of society with a view to building a stronger future for Portugal.