We are living through a difficult and unprecedented time. For businesses and organisations, it is a time of great challenges and numerous threats, which has to be managed very cautiously but firmly, using the various initiatives and aid that the Portuguese State and the European Union are providing on a daily basis.
It is a moment of great information, which reaches us from various sources, with various formats and through numerous actors.
It is therefore also a time of much misinformation, or contradictory information, especially for entrepreneurs and managers looking for the best solutions to continue their companies, minimizing the impacts of this public health crisis, which rapidly becoming the biggest economic crisis in decades.
Our mission has always been to support our customers, create value and exceed their expectations. In this time of greatest difficulty, we are even more committed to helping us to overcome this challenging moment together.
Therefore, with the contributions of our vast and multidisciplinary team of professionals, who work in the most different areas of management, we will send a daily newsletter with the changes and news in the context of the exceptional measures to respond to the new Coronavirus, in a format created especially for this occasion.
Every morning from Monday to Friday, you’ll be able to catch up with our Daily COVID-19 and rely on our professionals to respond to the challenges that the moment demands.
Today, and every Monday, this information follows through our publication Business Briefing.
Tomorrow, at the same time, check your email. The Moneris Daily COVID-19 will arrive to give you the latest relevant information.