Work context
In the labor sphere, we highlight a measure to support social and health equipment:
- Professional insertion contract +
This is a measure to support the emergency reinforcement of social and health facilities, of a temporary and exceptional nature, to ensure the responsiveness of public institutions and the sector in solidarity with activities in the social and health area, during the pandemic disease COVID – 19, introducing an extraordinary scheme of monthly grants for ‘Professional Insertion Contract’ (CIS) and for ‘Vocational Insertion Contract +’ (CIS +) in projects implemented.
Persons who are in one of the following situations may be integrated into the projects, provided that they are not older than 60 years and do not belong to groups subject to special protection duty defined in Article 4(1) of Decree 2-A/2020 of 20 March:
- Unemployed beneficiaries of unemployment benefit, partial unemployment benefit, or social unemployment benefit, hereinafter referred to as subsidized unemployed;
- Unemployed beneficiaries of the social income of insertion;
- Other unemployed persons enrolled in the IEFP, I. P.;
- Unemployed persons who are not enrolled in the IEFP, I.P.;
- Workers with suspended employment contract or reduced working hours;
- Workers on part-time employment contracts;
- Students, in particular higher education, and trainees, preferably from project-related areas, provided they are not less than 18 years of age.
Project recipients are entitled to the following support:
- In the case of subsidized unemployed, a supplementary monthly grant corresponding to the value of the social support indexer (IAS);
- In the remaining cases, monthly grant amount corresponding to the amount of 1.5 times the value of the IAS.
The sponsor shall ensure that the recipients are integrated in the projects:
- Food;
- Transport between the habitual residence and the place where the activity takes place, or transport allowance up to the value of 10 of the IAS, upon proof of expenditure;
- Integration into the insurance of accidents of the promoter, in order to cover the risks that may occur during and because of the exercise of the activities integrated in the project;
- Personal protective equipment suitable for carrying out the activity envisaged under the project.
The promoters shall ensure the payment of the grant to which the recipients included in the projects are entitled, and the IEFP, I.P., shall ensure that 90 of this amount is paid.
Fiscal context
In the tax field, we highlight the following updates:
- Plan of Exceptional Measures for the Agri-Food Sector
In view of the disruptions that the agricultural sector and the food chain show in many Member States, including Portugal, the Ministry of Agriculture has decided to draw up a plan of exceptional measures for the agri-food sector.
The main objective of this set of measures is to ensure the functioning of the agricultural and agri-food sector in order to ensure supply in a context of strong restrictions on the movement of people and goods and also to mitigate the effect in the sub-sectors with breaking demand. In addition, given the extreme importance of the agricultural sector in the food chain, monitoring of the functioning of the protected bodies and the food supply chain is carried out, also with a view to ensuring effective monitoring of the evolution of situation at the level of resources and the implementation of contingency plans, and monitoring of companies in the sector.
This Plan should be used regularly as a central element for the assiduous monitoring of the implementation of measures and may undergo adjustments in the course of developments in the supply chain situation, including the addition of measures improve and adapt the response to developments in the situation.
- Authorization to issue public debt in the implementation of the OE2020
In order to meet the financing needs of the State, Council of Ministers Resolution No. 18-A/2020 of April 1 authorizes the Treasury and Public Debt Management Agency ( IGCP, E. P. E.) to issue public debt in accordance with the limits established in the State Budget for 2020, under the forms of representation provided for by law.
The Government is authorized to borrow and carry out other debt operations, including securities representing direct government debt, to meet the needs of the implementation of the State Budget, assumption of liabilities and refinancing of public debt, and the anticipation of financing.
- Proposal to renew the state of emergency
Yesterday was known the draft decree of the President of the Republic for the renewal declaration of the state of emergency, which will be voted on today in Parliament. It is considered essential to renew the declaration of a state of emergency, with the addition of matters relating to the protection of employment, price control, support for the elderly in homes or at home, education and the adoption of urgent measures to protect citizens deprived of liberty, especially vulnerable to COVID-19 disease.
How can Moneris help?
Our vast and multidisciplinary team of professionals, which operates in the most different areas of management, promotes a holistic approach in responding to this extraordinary situation, both in crisis management and strategic redefinition, in the information of support for the taking decision-making, minimising its tax and labour effects, optimising national and European support and incentives, as well as relaunching the activity after the critical period.
Our mission has always been to support our customers, create value and exceed their expectations. In this time of greatest difficulty, we are even more committed to helping us to overcome this challenging moment together.