The importance of the perception of risk on the part of companies is increasing, not least because negligent behaviors or strategies can lead to very serious penalties, not only from a financial point of view, but also of business continuity. Rui Almeida, CEO of Moneris, addresses the issue of Cybersecurity in an article for “Who is who in the 2019 ICTs” of Jornal Económico.
“I think that Portuguese entrepreneurs are actually beginning to have a better perception of the risks and threats to their business in the event of being the target of cybercrime.
However, if we talk about your degree of preparation to meet this challenge, then the path to be taken is clearly long and I would say that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it has not yet been properly staged or even defined.
The full awareness of the financial risk underlying a cyber incident could be the move for companies to start planning, anticipating and preventing the response to this threat.
For its part, the National Cybersecurity Centre has done remarkable work to promote a greater culture of security, foster knowledge and raise awareness of the themes underlying the right use of information systems, which is an important step towards reducing the risks of cyberspace.
However cybercrime is serious, growing, is increasingly widespread and aggressive and presents enormous threats to national and economic security, public and private refers.
In fact, public and private institutions are increasingly dependent on a technological and sophisticated environment.”