Dear customers, partners and friends,
In recent days, the impact of coronavirus has increased and the perception of its economic effects, being certain, as well as its quantification, is still far from clear. It is true that we are dealing with a global pandemic that affects all of us inevitably – people and businesses.
As such, companies face difficult-to-anticipate challenges just a few weeks ago. At Moneris, our goal has always been to support entrepreneurs and companies, and this is our commitment reinforced in the current context and conjuncture of uncertainty.
To all our customers, our partners and the global community, which works with us in various ways, we would like to express our sincere support and solidarity and ensure that we will do everything we can to navigate together in the coming weeks, in this troubled social and economic moment.
At Moneris, we are fully prepared to ensure continuity in support to our customers, and the implementation of containment and prevention measures for COVID-19 is ongoing, namely:
- Promotion of remote work whenever possible.
- Communication and monitoring of cloud services and technological infrastructures.
- Provision of VPN for access to it management systems remotely.
- The teams, multidisciplinary and geographically dispersed, are prepared to assume the absence of some colleagues.
- Limitation of internal and external travel and travel bans to the most affected countries.
- The meetings will preferably be held using conference-call or video conference, but if the face-to-face meeting is unavoidable, limitation to 6 people.
- All events and training scheduled for March and April have been postponed or cancelled.
- Report and information regarding risk behaviors, namely: trips abroad, contact or interaction with infected person, participation in events.
- Quarantine measures are being applied in the following situations: if there are symptoms of respiratory infection, if you have travelled to one of the countries considered to have high exposure, if you are or have been in contact with COVID-19 carriers if you are or have been in contact with someone who has been in one of these high exposure countries.
- Isolation space: an isolation zone has been identified in all our offices, in case of isolating an employee or client (who is in our facilities) who has epidemiological signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19.
- Strengthening of hygiene measures and respiratory etiquette.
Our teams will remain available to be at your side in a committed way, and the means to be used should be adapted to the context, minimizing face-to-face meetings and fostering telephone or video call contact.
With these measures, and others that are being evaluated continuously, we guarantee our customers the continuity and quality of the service provided by Moneris.
We are now available for any further clarification.
Best Regards,
Rui Pedro Almeida
CEO / Administrator Moneris