Yes, it can, under the General.
Where workers are unable to to attend work, for reasons assistance the son and the grandchild in prophylactic isolation or sick with COVID19, do not apply to guarantee periods.
In general terms, by issuing “medical certification or hospital declaration proving the disease”, the absences are considered to be justified, but imply the loss of remuneration, being subsidised, in certain cases, by social security, in particular in cases of child care, where only one parent requires it to be or, in the case of assistance to grandchildren, which only grandparents require.
In the case of beneficiaries do not submit six months with a remuneration record, the reference remuneration is defined by R/(30 x n), in which R represents the total remuneration recorded from the beginning of the reference period to the the day preceding prophylactic isolation and the number of months to which the same report.
At present, the allowance for child care corresponds to 65% of the reference remuneration, amending the 100% after the entry into force of the 2020 State Budget. The subsidy for assistance to grandchild will not be changed, remaining at 65%.
The application must be made preferably via Direct Social Security.