The Government has instituted a simplified lay-off regime if there is a suspension of activity related to the COVID-19 outbreak and in cases of proven “business crisis”.
This scheme provides for retribution illiquid to the worker of 2/3 of its normal illiquid remuneration, never lower than the RMMG (635€) and with a maximum limit of 3 RMMG (1,905€), with a duration of one month, 70% of which was guaranteed by the Social Security and 30% insured by the employer.
At the same time, a simplified lay-off scheme will be implemented with training, which in relation to the above-mentioned simplified lay-off scheme with training will be added a training grant in the amount of 30% x Indexante Social Support (131.64€), half for the worker and half for the employer (65,82€).
This support can be exceptionally, extendable monthly, up to a maximum of 6 months, only where the employees of the undertaking have taken the maximum limit of leave annual ly and where the employer has adopted the flexibility mechanisms working hours provided for by law.
The employer must communicate, for a written, to workers the decision to apply for extraordinary support to the maintenance of jobs, indicating the foreseeable duration, after hearing the union delegates and workers’ committees when they exist, referring to application to the Institute of Social Security, I. P. (ISS, I.P.), accompanied by a statement from the Administration and the Certificate of the Accounting Officer certificate, as well as a nominative list of the workers covered and social security number.
Both support will be supported by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP).
The employer receiving this measure may instruct the worker to carry out, on a temporary basis, functions not included in the employment contract, provided that this does not entail a substantial change in the position of the worker, and that they are oriented towards viability of the company.