It depends on several factors.
The company must be able to resume its activity, in the following terms:
In the context of the declaration of a situation of calamity throughout the national territory in force since 03/05, a strategy was defined to survey containment measures in the context of combating the pandemic of COVID 19 disease, which provides for a series of activities that must remain closed, as well as others that may resume their activity, although in some cases with restrictions and rules to be complied with.
In this link, a list of 8 types of activities that should keep the facilities and establishments closed can be found in Annex I. Annex II contains a list of 50 activities that are not suspended.
In the context of the State of Calamity, the obligation to adopt the teleworking regime, regardless of employment, is maintained where the functions in question allow it.
Immunosuppressed patients and patients with chronic disease who, according to the guidelines of the health authority, should be considered at risk, in particular cardiovascular patients, patients with chronic respiratory disease, cancer patients and those with renal failure, may justify the absence of work by meansof a medical declaration, provided that they are unable to carry out their activity on a teleworking basis or through other forms of activity. a)
Note: This possibility does not apply to workers in essential services, in particular: health professionals, security and rescue forces and services, including voluntary firefighters, and the armed forces, workers in essential public services, management and maintenance of essential infrastructure.
(a) The medical declaration shall attest to the worker’s health condition justifying his special protection.