Pedro Neves, Parnter of Moneris Guia gives an interview to the Pombal Newspaper where he addresses the various challenges of Moneris Guia. Read the article here.
– Description of the company (which includes the year of start-up, number of employees, sector to which it is dedicated, turnover in 2019 and all the information it deems relevant).
Moneris Guia’s activity is to provide accounting and reporting services, consulting, management support and human resources, being located in Guia.
Currently, it belongs to the Moneris Group, which presents itself as the largest national accounting and management support group, present from north to south of Portugal, with a network of 20 offices supported by approximately 300 consultants and with a turnover of approximately 13 million euros.
Moneris Guia was founded in 1982 under the name Contiguia, Lda., having been integrated into the Moneris Group in 2008. It currently has 17 employees, distributed by the accounting and reporting and processing service of human resources, having as customers all kinds of companies distributed throughout the country, having built, over the years, strong, close and lasting relationships with our customers, who value us with their trust and loyalty.
– In relation to economic development in the Western region, as an entrepreneur, what are your biggest concerns?
In this regard, it is worrying the departure of talents and staff with a high level of training to other territories, whether in Portugal or abroad, which may cause some problems in terms of human resources in the future, which makes it essential to create new and larger companies in this area.
– In your view, what are the advantages for setting up companies in the region? Can it be said that the Union of parishes of Guia, Ilha and Mata Mourisca has a privileged location for the creation of wealth in the territory?
Definitely. Our location next to the A17, the West line, the EN109 and the proximity to the A1 are factors in themselves relevant to the setting of companies in the region.
We have seen in recent years the emergence of small and medium-sized companies in our industrial zone, being the same, at this moment, without room for the implementation of more and larger companies.
The western region of the municipality of Pombal, where Moneris Guia is located, is undoubtedly one of the main points with great growth potential in the Leiria – Figueira da Foz axis, having had considerable growth in recent years.
– How could the sector be boosted?
If more companies continue to emerge in this territory, this alone allows us to continue with the growth we have had in recent years in our activity. That is why it is very important for the municipality to create conditions for the implementation of these companies.
– One of the major concerns of guia residents is related to the large flow of heavy traffic in the center of the village, and therefore mention the importance of a connection of the Industrial Zone of Guia to the A17. Do you see yourself in that concern?
Yes, I review it. There is a few years ago the project to create a road belt outside the Guia, so that the south entrance directly to the roundabout of the A17 is connected, as well as to create an alternative to the EN109 that connects Leiria – Figueira da Foz outside the center of the village.
This will allow heavy vehicles linked to industrial zone companies as well as to the various existing inert operating companies to have alternatives to circulation, making the centre of Guia safer and with less traffic confusion, allowing its development to continue with more urban conditions.
– There is a need to expand the Guia Industrial Zone. In your opinion, what strategy should be delineated for the growth of this infrastructure?
That’s a necessity in plain sight. The fact that there are currently no lots for sale at ZIG, may cause the opportunity to be lost to the establishment of new companies in UFGIM and, consequently, the fixation of people and wealth in our territory.
As for the strategy to be adopted, I think that we should follow what is a few years ago, namely the expansion of the industrial zone to the north and the west of what already exists.
Not wanting to get into politics, I think the expansion now suggested to The East of the West line does not make sense, since it will clash with the housing part there.
– As a businessman, do you feel that the Junta and Autarchy entities are aware of the problems of the Western region?
In my opinion, I think that the various executives of the board have tried to do everything to promote the growth of our union of parishes, although It seems to me that the municipality is too slow to implement the various proposals that are being presented, getting lost in excessive bureaucracy and, therefore, causing UFGIM to lose unique opportunities for growth.
The first phase of ZIG, until it came out of the paper, took more than 10 years. To which set priorities and do what really allows the implementation of companies and business in our parish.