Rui Almeida, CEO and managing partner of Moneris was quoted in an article in the Jornal Económico, entitled “From virtual contacts to ‘big data’, technology has changed M&A”, which addresses technological advances and their impacts on financial advice. In an area where innovation was not new but was based on backoffice areas, we see that the pandemic has brought the need for digital transformation of this sector to contact points with customers.
“The widespread use of decentralised registration technologies, smart contracts and virtual assets in traditional areas of financial advisory seems to me that it will be the great innovation that we can expect in the future”, predicts, while remembering the “new risks, especially in terms of operational resilience and investor protection, that will have to be analyzed and framed legally”.
Some of these risks relate to the sensitivity of the information analyzed in these operations, which can pose privacy risks to customers. This reminds Rui Almeida, CEO and managing partner of Moneris.