HotelShop will organize, in partnership with Moneris, a Webinar on “Survival Management for Hotels” that will take place on the 18th, at 11am on the Zoom platform.
The event is attended by Rui Pedro Almeida, CEO Moneris, who will talk about strategies to recover from the crisis.
The rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus has led to a global health crisis, with Tourism being the industry that is suffering the biggest and most immediate impacts of this crisis, in which the hotel sector is the one facing challenges that jeopardise its own survival.
The new social and economic framework puts the resilience and innovation capacity of the sector to the test and until consumer confidence is restored and international mobility is normalised, the sector will have to find appropriate tools and strategies to address this major challenge.
O webinar organizado pela HotelShop reúne um grupo de especialistas de gestão de crise e sobrevivência, para debater as ferramentas e soluções a que o sector deve recorrer para levar o seu negócio a bom porto.
O evento acontecerá no próximo dia 18 às 11h00 e já é possível inscrever-se.