MONERIS DAILY COVID-19 -Suspension of school activities

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Suspension of in-person and non-educational teaching activities
Family support

In order to try to reverse the accelerated growth of the pandemic, the Government has ordered the suspension of school and non-school activities for a period of 15 days.
At the same time, the Government decides to recover measures to support the family and the follow-up of children, allowing, in the same way as in the previous regime, access to exceptional support to the family for the follow-up and care of minor children outside the periods of school interruption, which does not cover the fixed period of school leave.
We are faced with the allocation of exceptional monthly support, or proportional, subject to the respective discounts in social security and IRS in the sphere of the worker.

Who is eligible

  • This support covers dependent workers (*), self-employed workers and domestic workers.
  • Only the self-employed person who has been subject to the obligation to pay for at least 3 consecutive months for at least 12 months who is not able to continue his activity is eligible.
  • In any case, situations where teleworking work is possible are not covered.
  • They cannot be received simultaneously by both parents for the same period and are only allocated once, regardless of the number of dependents or dependents.

(*) Members of remunerated statutory bodies, when treated as dependent workers, may also access this support, without prejudice to the note below on the impossibility of using other measures which may be more advantageous.

What is the value of support

  • Dependent worker and domestic worker: 2/3 of his basic remuneration, with a minimum limit of € 665.00 and a maximum limit of 1995,00 €, taking into account the basic remuneration declared in December 2020.
  • Self-employed:1/3 of their basic remuneration, with a minimum limit of 438.81€ and maximum [1 Indexante dos Apoios Sociais (IAS)] limit of 1,097.02€ (2 and 1/2 of the IAS), based on the basic contribution rate for the fourth quarter of 2020.

Absences from work

  • Without loss of rights except for remuneration, absences from work motivated by undeferred care to a child or other dependent under the age of 12, or, regardless of age, with disabilities or chronic illness, resulting from suspension of school and non-educational activities in a school or social equipment to support early childhood or disability.
  • The absence shall be communicated to the employer as soon as possible by sending the declaration Model GF88-DGSS [Link].
  • These absences do not count towards the limits applicable to absences for child care, grandchild and household member.

Payment and charges

  • The support of 2/3 is provided in equal parts by Social Security and the employer, who is responsible for paying all the support, as in 2020.

How to access support

  • Dependent worker: After submitting the declaration Model GF88-DGSS [ Link ], it is up to theemployerto submit the application in its reserved area of Direct Social Security, providing for its delivery between day 1 and day 10 of the following month to which it relates.
  • Self-employed and domestic worker You must access your personal area of Direct Social Security and submit the “exceptional family support for self-employed and domestic service” available on the “Employment” tab.


  • This support is not cumulative with other exceptional or extraordinary support created to respond to the COVID-19 disease pandemic.

How can Moneris help?

Our Crisis Management team, in addition to the support of your usual Moneris manager, is available to analyze with you the measures in force, ensuring a holistic performance in the areas of taxation, labor, financial, technological and support and incentives, with the commitment to ensure the best solutions, adapted to the context of each sector and each company.

It remains essential to continuously evaluate the state of the art, plan and adapt the activity in the short and medium term, resort to extraordinary incentives and measures, adjust business plans, treasury plans, business plans and restructure the company’s strategy.

To learn more about these changes and to apply for these supports, please contact us:

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