Mexico visit to Portugal. Sell and Buy Between The Two Markets
On November 23, at 10 a.m., the Portuguese-Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold a workshop at CENTIMFE (Marinha Grande), with online broadcast, to present the Reverse Mission to Mexico, which is being developed with the support of Moneris.
Pedro Neto, Moneris Corporate Finance Partner and specializing in Internationalization, will participate in this dissemination session, where he will talk about the potential of the Mexican market and markets via Mexico.
It is an action that is part of the Reverse Mission “Mexico-Portugal 2021”, which takes place between 21 and 24 November, with the visit of Mexican economic agents and opinion makers to Portuguese companies operating in Leiria and Oliveira de Azeméis.
The reverse mission is incorporated in the project “Portugal Connect”, promoted by the Portuguese-Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the objective of strengthening the process of internationalization of Portuguese companies in the Mexican market and bordering on it, mainly in the mold, machine and tool sectors for the industry.
How can Moneris help?
With extensive experience in internationalization and joint project monitoring, Moneris can help you boost your business in Mexico and neighboring markets through this co-funded project, developed by CCILM, with the support of Moneris. Through our Spanish Desk, we also guarantee a follow-up in the Castilian language and a close cultural and business connection.
We will be fully available for the clarifications you need, through the following contacts:
Pedro Neto
Partner in the area of Support and Incentives – Internationalization