Measures to support workers and businesses – important updates
Decree-Law No. 32/2021 was publishedtoday, which provides for important updates to support for workers and companies most affected by the current health crisis, producing effects on May 1, 2021.
We present below the main changes that come into force today:
Extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity
The Government re-adjusts the limits for the temporary reduction of the Normal Working Period according to the assessment of the developments in the situation and economic activity for the second quarter.
The temporary reduction of the PNT, per worker, may vary depending on the breakdown of billing and the activity of the employer, in the following terms:

(a) the percentage is measured by the remuneration statement for the month of June.
b) Employer of the sectors of bars, discos, recreational parks and supply or assembly of events, which will be defined in the meantime by Ordinance of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of economy, finance and social security, namely through the respective Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities.
In June, the Government will reassess the need to make further adjustments.
Simplified support for micro-enterprises for job maintenance
During the period of granting the support, as well as in the following 90 days (previously defined in 60 days), the employer undertakes not to terminate the employment contracts for the reasons below, nor to initiate the respective procedures:
- Collective redundancy;
- Dismissal for termination of the job;
- Dismissal for inadaptation.