
In view of the increase in fuel prices and their impact on the income of citizens and households, the Government decided to allocate financial support called “AUTOvoucher” to fuel consumption at fuel filling stations from November 2021 to March 2022, totalling 10 cents per litre of fuel (totalling 50 litres/month).

In this sense, decree-law No. 92-A/2021 was published on November 8, which establishs a financial subsidy, of a transitional and exceptional nature, to be attributed to citizens in their consumption in the fuel sector, using the platform “IVAucher”.

According to Order No. 11020-A/2021, of November 10, the phase of use of this benefit begins on November 10, 2021 and ends on March 31, 2022 inclusive.

Consumers who adhere to the “IVAucher” programme are eligible to use this benefit. If consumers have previously joined this programme, they consider themselves automatically eligible to use the “AUTOvoucher” benefit.

Licensed traders participate in the programme, for the purposes of this benefit only. These merchants must affix to their establishments, in a place visible by consumers, a label confirming the support of the program made available free of charge by the operating entity of the system.

The monthly amount of the “AUTOvoucher” benefit to be credited from the moment of the date of the × 50 litres of fuel. The operating entity of the system automatically credits to the participating consumers the amount of the respective benefit:

  1. Until the end of the first working day of each month;
  2. Up to two working days after the extension, in the case of consumers adhering after the date referred to in the preceding subparagraph.

Order No. 11020-A/2021 of November 10 also defines that the benefit of the “AUTOvoucher” benefit operates on the first monthly consumption, without the minimum amount provided for in Article 6(1) of Decree-Law No. 92 -A/2021 of November 8, and the part of the amount to be borne corresponds to 100% of this benefit, available at the time of consumption.

It is also suggested consultation of the FAQ’s for consumers and merchants alusives to the benefit “AUTOvoucher”, available on the platform “IVAucher” (https://ww

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